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Writer's pictureErica Shelton

AI: Is Public Speaking Our Last Human Frontier?

Updated: Mar 7, 2024

The Dangers of Fear

Ah, Public Speaking, a delicate dance with anxiety, yet an ability, undeniably potent.

When a staggering 75% of the global population trembles at the thought of addressing a crowd, mastery in this domain isn’t merely a skill—it’s a superpower.

Speaking confidently helps people quickly and enjoyably understand your objectives and goals. Even though it's super important, it's a skill that doesn't always get the attention it deserves.

Understandably, this fear that 75% of the world shares is a heavy influence that deters people from pursuing and refining their public speaking skills.

This fear leads to avoidance, and avoidance amplifies anxiety, limiting public speaking possibilities before they even start. This fear is more dangerous than it has ever been before.

Like it or Not

With the advent of ChatGPT in November 2022 and generative AI advancements to come, public speaking skills (and soft skills) now, more than ever, are essential to personal and professional goals and growth.

Chat GPT and Generative AI didn’t just mark a paradigm shift in our technological landscape. It redefined our digital existence.

Some say it’s scary (it is, a little), but make no mistake, it is an indomitable force, a genie not going back in its lamp.

The seismic waves of such disruption necessitate an adaptive spirit and a willingness to change.

Still Skeptical? Let's revisit high-level responses to major disruptions from the past:

Stephen Brashear / Getty Images

Steve Ballmer Microsoft CEO 2007 iphone quote

"Five hundred dollars? Fully subsidized? With a plan? I said that is the most expensive phone in the world," Steve Ballmer, 2007 Microsoft CEO on the first iPhone.

"And it doesn't appeal to business customers because it doesn't have a keyboard. Which makes it not a very good email machine."

In hindsight, Steve, it seems the 'most expensive phone in the world' redefined value, and who knew keyboards would become so passé? Turns out, a good email machine just needed a touch of innovation.

AP Photo/David Pellerin

Jim Keyes Blockbuster CEO 2008 Netflix

"Neither RedBox nor Netflix are even on the radar screen in terms of competition," Jim Keyes, Blockbuster CEO, said in 2008.

A public statement that now merely echoes through the empty aisles of forgotten Blockbuster stores.

Now, that's not to say these men didn't have great careers and achieve great progress for their companies. It's just to highlight that even those at the top sometimes get it wrong and miscalculate.

What Does This Have to Do with Me?

So, why does this matter, and why, dear reader, should you care?

Because we should not - cannot miscalculate the weight of Generative AI nor overlook the irreplaceable value of the human touch.

The mere presence of GenAI has initiated an inherent distrust for anything written or digital. The lack of transparency around the new tech amplifies this skepticism (Check out our GenAI disclaimer at the bottom).

Eventually, artificial intelligence will be implemented and integrated on a mass scale, and those who do not adapt their skills to the new landscape will be left behind. Call it Corporate Darwinism.

In-person verbal expressions, and more importantly, how they are conveyed, will carry the gravitas of communication in this new dawn.

Public speaking, network cultivation, soft skills, and face-to-face interactions will be revered and considered the heartbeat of genuine, impactful communication.

What Can I Do?

Being an effective communicator is a mindset; it’s a daily practice. Much like fashion, your personal style evolves, refining and redefining you through every metamorphosis. So, let's start with the basics.

In my 16 years of public speaking experience, I've found initial impressions are often shaped by three things:

The Way You Dress

Devil wears prada scene, are those the chanel boots?

Your Vocabulary

My Fair Lady the rain in spain stays mainly in the plain

Your Confidence

Easy A blows a kiss

Ladies, Gentlemen, and esteemed guests in between, I extend a cordial invitation never to miss an issue, for Vocal Vogue is your Voice in all things public speaking, helping you tailor all three to your unique style.

In a technologically advanced world where AI shapes our interactions and perceptions, your genuine voice and articulate expression become your indelible mark. Public speaking is an art; it's a statement, a style, a timeless vogue.

Subscribe to Vocal Vogue, and together, we'll refine your communication style, ensuring your words resonate and leave a lasting impression.

Erica Shelton is the founder of Vocal Vogue and an Award-Winning Public Speaker. She can be reached at

Intellectual Property Disclaimer: Content on this blog is for educational purposes and may include text, images, and media properly credited to their sources. Trademarks and copyrights are owned by their respective holders and are used under fair use principles. If you have any concerns about our use of these materials, please contact us directly.

Generative AI Disclaimer: (I know - ironic for this blog post. But Vocal Vogue is committed to transparency and authenticity in everything we do. GenAI is an incredible tool that streamlines and optimizes every task. We use it and are happy to explain how it's implemented.) This blog incorporates generative AI in its editorial process to assist with Vocal Vogue brand alignment and refinement. However, please note that all concepts, ideas, and opinions presented herein are original and solely reflect the views of the author(s). Our use of AI tools aims to enhance the storytelling and informational value of our content while maintaining the integrity and originality of our ideas. 

3 commentaires

07 mars 2024

This is perfect! Literally perfect. Well done.


07 mars 2024

Such a great piece Erica! I can’t wait to read more.


Annabel Roest
Annabel Roest
07 mars 2024

Amazing tips and tricks offered, Erica! A great sign to start focusing on our #softskills !

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